Breathtaking Narrative of Vietnam Visitation

It seems as if I have found the right place.

You asked if I remembered what it was that I read in the 'Blue Book'. Yes, I do remember. But it is more than remembering; it is the way I have lived my life. Much of the readings and teachings in the 'Blue Book' is in conflict with what the human race has come to accept and believe as reality. Especially as it pertains to organized religion.

Because there are good, decent people who are Christians, I hesitate at speaking of those things that I know to be truth. Just as there are good and decent people, there is good doctrine in Christian belief and living. However, much of the truth of man and this relationship to God and the universe, has been obscured.

How is this for irony? I told you that during the summer of 1957 I was abducted at least five times. It was also during that summer that I joined and was baptized into the Church. I was also abducted before and after my baptism. Both events happened at the same time.

I am not going to go into the 'Blue Book' for now. But, I will say this, "Of course there is eternal life. The human spirit is eternal! and of course there is a God. The human spirit is evidence of this!"

Yes, I do remember being shown a map of spiral, coil shaped galaxy. The Being showing me the maps said that this was the part of the Universe that they came from.

As far as seeing a red planet with glass and/or crystal structures, I thought it was a blue planet. However, I am not so sure now. Perhaps the blue planet was were I saw the virtual paradise. A Garden of Eden, if you please. Wherever it was, I saw people there. Human Beings!

It seems to me that all the glass structures were the same size and height. But there was one pyramid structure that towered above the rest. I believe that it was in this structure that I was taken into a gigantic hall that I refer to as the 'Throne Room'.

The above mentioned events are kind of hazy to me. For one thing, I was young and they altered my state of consciousness for that reason. So that my mind would not short circuit by what I was being shown and told. However, the events surrounding my Vietnam visitation are more clear to me. Even though I don't remember a lot of it, my state of consciousness was not altered.

This encounter took place sometime between June and July of 1967. My batallion was located to the Northwest of the city of Hue, along the Perfume River. This particular night was clear,dark and full of stars. I remember thinking to myself that I never knew that there were so many stars in the sky.

Me and the guys in my platoon were star-gazing that night when we saw three bright objects in a triangular formation moving amongst the stars. Being soldiers who were used to seeing military aircraft, we immediately ascertained that these things were not airplanes or helicopters. For one thing, they were too bright and they were too high in the sky. They were points of light.

These objects would hover in one part of the sky, then they would just disappear and reappear in another part of the sky. We pretty much knew what we were watching. We watched them for quite some time. When the others turned in, I kept watching. There was something about those things.

The UFOs disappeared again and I was trying to locate them when the whole area suddenly lit up like daylight. I turned to my left and coming right at me were three huge balls of light! They were about twenty or thirty feet wide. They silently traversed the whole batallion area and were emitting white beams of light as they swooped over the area. They then disappeared down behind some trees that were about 150 yards in front of our position.

In the darkness, I realized that it was totally silent. I was wondering what had happened to everyone. It seems that everyone had been 'turned off'. I was really scared because I was the only one still awake and I was wondering what would happen to me if the gooks came and there was no one to help. I jumped into my foxhole and I was looking out into the darkness in front me, when I saw these five little white beings coming in my direction. They were glowing in the dark and were sort of bouncing along in the air. While I was watching them coming straight at me, I wasn't scared anymore. In fact, I was amused because they looked so funny just bouncing along like they were on a Sunday stroll. When they had come to within 100 feet of my foxhole, I said to myself, "I know these guys."

They stopped about 20 feet from my foxhole and one of them motioned for me to come with them. I got out of my hole and walked up to them. Two of them took me by my right arm and two the left arm. They picked me up and started bouncing back towards the ship.

In the clearing behind the trees sat an oval metallic gray UFO. It was about fifty or sixty feet in diameter. It had a small dome on it and was completely smooth. It was glowing slightly and there was a mist or something coming from the underside. The UFO really looked awesome sitting there in the darkness. A ramp come down and I walked up it and into the ship with the little guys behind me.

When I got aboard the ship I asked them why they were here in Vietnam. What they told me I really can't put into words. But they said something like, we came to help you. It is important because you will not survive this war. For many years I've tried to figure out what they meant. Now I think they meant that I would not survive that war mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

This is where it really becomes confusing. They took me into a small room. There were bodies of other soldiers, fully clothed in jungle fatigues, lying on these little benches or cots. I asked why were they here, and if they were dead. They told me that they weren't dead as we understood death. They did tell me why they were there and what had happened to them. I dare not speak of it. I am afraid to say. They did say something about 'duplicate bodies'.

Anyway, they explained something to me and asked if I was willing to do something. Whatever it was, I distinctly remember saying yes. It was my call. I remember sitting down on one of the benches and then lying down. The rest is a total blank.

I woke up the next morning and I remember feeling really strange. I knew something had happened, but I couldn't remember. So the war and life went on. And I had forgotten.

Some years after Vietnam, I told my mother, "Mom something happened to me in 'Nam and it had nothing to do with the blood and guts of war. Vietnam took something from me, but it also gave me something." She asked me what it was and I told her, "I have no idea. I can't remember, but if it takes me until the day I die, I'm going to find out." My mother asked me how was I going to find out if I couldn't remember. I said to her, "All I have to go on is a feeling inside. It's more than a feeling. It's something that is alive and has a mind and will of it's own."

So yes, I am aware of my 'other self'. I now know what that feeling was. It was a tough thing to accept. I sensed what it was, but it was just too strange to accept. I fought that feeling, and the more I fought, a despair grew deeper and deeper within me. When I finally decided not to fight that feeling, the memory of my UFO abductions unlocked and as they say "the rest is history."

I do know that within me lives another spirit. Vietnam is where I 'came aboard'. I have no problem now because [name deleted] and I are finally one. TWO BUT ONE!!

The 'Blue Book' speaks alot about the "spirit." I don't recall seeing or hearing the words consciousness or soul. It was always "spirit." Well, I'm going to stop here. I hope to hear from you or others soon.

Thank you for writing back with this breath-taking narrative of your Vietnam 'visitation'!

You are fortunate indeed to have such a great understanding of the 'visitor' experience. "TWO BUT ONE" says it all. "Something that is alive and has a mind and will of it's own." "TWO BUT ONE!!!" You, and something else that is also you.

Interesting that "those five little white beings" who took you by the arms and into the 'Ship' looked familiar. "I know these guys", you said. Again, a sense of 'familiar entity' always seems to lead back to a feeling of 'dual identity' which you have so eloquently described. "TWO BUT ONE!" As my specific area of research is 'Dual Identity', I have heard many experiencers try to put this duality into words. None have said it better than you have.

I would recommend you read 'From Elsewhere' by Scott Mandelker, Ph.D. The book investigates the subject of 'visitation' and challenges our basic conception of human identity and personal reality. Also, Whitley Strieber's latest book, 'Breakthrough', speaks of us as being 'integrated beings'.

Perhaps we are coming to learn who, and what, we really are? -- Editor